Title: Training on How to Apply OBE in BSMRAU System
Participants: Course Instructor (Male: 90 Female: 38)
Duration: Daylong (Three Days)
Daylong Training on “Training on How to Apply OBE in BSMRAU System’’ was held today 21-23 January 2024, Time: 09:30 at IQAC Seminar Room, the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), which was organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), BSMRAU. Vice-Chancellor of the University Prof. Dr. Md. Giashuddin Miah and Treasurer Prof. Tofayel Ahamed were present as Chief Guest and Special Guest, respectively, in the Inaugural Session. Director (IQAC) Prof. Dr. Md. Motaher Hossain presided over the program. 128 Course Instructors from deferent Departments participated in the training program.
Title: Bangladesh National Quality Framework (BNQF)
Participants: Dean & Head (Male: 35 Female: 15)
Duration: Daylong
Daylong Training on “Bangladesh National Quality Framework (BNQF)’’ was held today 12 December 2023, Time: 09:30 at IQAC Seminar Room, the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), which was organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), BSMRAU. Vice-Chancellor of the University Prof. Dr. Md. Giashuddin Miah and Treasurer Prof. Tofayel Ahamed were present as Chief Guest and Special Guest, respectively, in the Inaugural Session. Director (IQAC) Prof. Dr. Md. Motaher Hossain presided over the program. 50 Dean & Head from deferent Departments participated in the training program.
Title: Crafting Research Proposal: Result Framework Development and Input Output Matrix
Participants: Assistant & Associate Professor (Male: 35 Female: 15)
Duration: Daylong
Daylong Training on “Crafting Research Proposal: Result Framework Development and Input Output Matrix’’ was held today 23 November 2023, Time: 09:30 at IQAC Seminar Room, the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), which was organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), BSMRAU. Vice-Chancellor of the University Prof. Dr. Md. Giashuddin Miah and Treasurer Prof. Tofayel Ahamed were present as Chief Guest and Special Guest, respectively, in the Inaugural Session. Director (IQAC) Prof. Dr. Md. Motaher Hossain presided over the program. 50 Assistant & Associate Professor from deferent Departments participated in the training program.
Title: Experimental Design & Statistical Data Analysis
Participants: MS Students (Male: 32 Female: 18)
Duration: Two days
Two daylong Training on “Training on Experimental Design & Statistical Data Analysis for Gradute Program Students’’ was held today (16 – 17 October 2023, Time: 09:30) at IQAC Seminar Room, the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), which was organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), BSMRAU. Vice-Chancellor of the University Prof. Dr. Md. Giashuddin Miah and Treasurer Prof. Tofayel Ahamed were present as Chief Guest and Special Guest, respectively, in the Inaugural Session. Director (IQAC) Prof. Dr. Md. Motaher Hossain presided over the program. Dr. Asif Reza Anik Additional Director (IQAC) gave welcome address at the training workshop and Dr. Sheikh Mohammad Sayem, Associate Professor, Department of Agriculture and Applied Statistics, Bangladesh Agrlicultural University (BAU) were the Resourch Person for training, 50 MS students from deferent Departments participated in the training program.
Title: Experimental Design & Statistical Data Analysis
Participants: MS Students
Duration: Two days
Five daylong Training on “Training on Experimental Design & Statistical Data Analysis’’ was held today (22-23 August 2023, Time: 09:30) at IQAC Seminar Room, the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), which was organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), BSMRAU. Vice-Chancellor of the University Prof. Dr. Md. Giashuddin Miah and Treasurer Prof. Tofayel Ahamed were present as Chief Guest and Special Guest, respectively, in the Inaugural Session. Director (IQAC) Prof. Dr. Md. Motaher Hossain presided over the program. Dr. Asif Reza Anik Additional Director (IQAC) gave welcome address at the training workshop and 50 MS students from deferent Departments participated in the training program.
Title: Attaining Accreditation Requirements and Procedures
Participants: Dean and Head
Duration: One days
Five daylong Training on “Training on Attaining Accreditation Requirements and Procedures’’ was held today (21 September 2023, Time: 09:30) at IQAC Seminar Room, the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), which was organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), BSMRAU. Vice-Chancellor of the University Prof. Dr. Md. Giashuddin Miah and Treasurer Prof. Tofayel Ahamed were present as Chief Guest and Special Guest, respectively, in the Inaugural Session. Director (IQAC) Prof. Dr. Md. Motaher Hossain presided over the program. Dr. Asif Reza Anik Additional Director (IQAC) gave welcome address at the training workshop and Dean & Head from deferent Departments participated in the training program.