Title: Training on Implementation of D-Nothi system at BSMRAU
Participants: Teachers & Officers (Male: 48 Female: 21)
Duration: Daylong (Three Days)
Daylong Training on “Training on Implementation of D-Nothi system at BSMRAU’’ was held today 11-13 November 2024, Time: 09:30 at Agro-meteorology Laboratory, the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), which was organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), BSMRAU. Vice-Chancellor of the University Prof. Dr. GKM Mustafizur Rahman and Pro-VC Prof. Dr. M. Moynul Haque & Treasurer Prof. Md. Safiul Islam Afrad were present as Chief Guest and Special Guest, respectively, in the Inaugural Session. Director (IQAC) Prof. Dr. Nasreen Akhter Ivy presided over the program. Total 69 Teachers & Officers from deferent Departments participated in the training program.
Title: The Art of Teaching and Creative Pedagogy for Higher Education
Participants: Teachers (Male: 68 Female: 33)
Duration: Daylong
Daylong Training on “The Art of Teaching and Creative Pedagogy for Higher Education’’ was held 04-05 Deember 2024, Time: 09:30 at Virtual Room, Central Lab. the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), which was organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), BSMRAU. Honorable Vice-Chancellor of the University Prof. Dr. GKM Mustafizur Rahman and Pro-VC Prof. Dr. M. Moynul Haque & Treasurer Prof. Md. Safiul Islam Afrad were present as Chief Guest and Special Guest, respectively, in the Inaugural Session. Director (IQAC) Prof. Dr. Nasreen Akhter Ivy presided over the program. Total 101 Teachers from deferent Departments participated in the training program.
Title: Navigating Global Funding: A Comprehensive Guide for International Grant Acquisition and Utilization Strategies
Participants: All PI (Male: 62 Female: 10)
Duration: Daylong
Daylong Training on “Navigating Global Funding: A Comprehensive Guide for International Grant Acquisition and Utilization Strategies’’ was held 12 Deember 2024, Time: 09:30 at IQAC Saminer Room, Central Lab. the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), which was organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), BSMRAU. Honorable Vice-Chancellor of the University Prof. Dr. GKM Mustafizur Rahman and Pro-VC Prof. Dr. M. Moynul Haque & Treasurer Prof. Md. Safiul Islam Afrad were present as Chief Guest and Special Guest, respectively, in the Inaugural Session. Director (IQAC) Prof. Dr. Nasreen Akhter Ivy presided over the program. Total 72 PI from deferent Departments participated in the training program.