The graduates must come out of the university equipped with requisite qualifications and skills that the society and the country need for achieving higher economic growth and prosperity. Here quality of graduates has been defined as, fitness of purposes (Woodhouse, 1999). Quality education includes (UNICEF, 2000):
Quality of learners with commitment and interest to explore their potentials maximizing the learning opportunities;
Environments that are healthy, safe, protective and gender-sensitive, and provide adequate resources and facilities;
Content that is reflected in relevant curricula and materials for the acquisition of basic skills, attitude and knowledge referring for life;
Processes through which effective and student centered teaching learning and meaningful assessment to facilitate attainment of learning and reduce disparities; and
Outcomes that encompass knowledge, skills and attitudes, and are linked to national goals for education and positive participation in society.
In an ever changing environmental setting the definition of quality education and requirements for quality education are also changing. Rapid transformations in societies brought about by the amazing development of information technologies, globalization, and the growing complexities of economic pursuits are driving people to newer engagements in livelihoods. All these factors forced organizations to become more efficient and productive than ever before in human history. As such, nations and institutions that will succeed in future will be those, capable of fostering creativity and innovation, managing and mastering these changes effectively. Quality of education can only be measured by the employability of the graduates in an increasingly competitive job market and extent of their contribution to organizations and national development. Quality in education refers the outcomes of educational system in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes, which addresses expectations of stakeholders and national relevance in general.